Sap abap create excel file from internal table. Please somebody help on this.

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Sap abap create excel file from internal table Create a type for the Column names of the internal table. (e. This utility class c The standard ABAP function module ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE reads data from Excel file into internal table of type ALSMEX_TABLINE. For each of the worksheet I want to upload excel/csv file from remote desktop pc into ztable for every one hour in background mode. We need to convert the XSTRING value to XML File and then call the XML data into internal table with help of XSLT Transformation. Automatically (as manually with breakpoint and Excel export button), The SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT doesn't work (empty file) certainly cause non STANDARD TABLE used. I am able to create a xlsx file with one worksheet using the standard functionality of sap. The data is huge with around 151 Once you create Z FM, for every Excel File you'll just need to create a structure in SE11 and you're good to go. If it helps plz reward points. can any one help UploadExcelData loads Excel data from selected Excel source file to target ABAP internal table using the ABAP TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP function call. do. RETURNING To download the internal table data as excel file, the following steps are involved. Dont put anything in FILETYPE. Regards, Prasenjit hi everyone, I need a help in developing a code for retrieving data from excel file to internal table without header where I create a internal table in the report itself. type-pools : abap. Use function module GUI_UPLOAD to upload values from excel into an internal table. using f4_filename function module for f4 help for getting the file name. A far different approach is to use OLE where by the ABAP program drives excel. Regards The standard ABAP function module ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE reads data from Excel file into internal table of type ALSMEX_TABLINE. clear imessage. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno hi, i have an internal table i_item ,, i have to write the content of that internal table to a csv file on the apllication server. -> CLOSE DATASET : closes the file-> DELETE DATASET : delete file ***** If file is on the local PC,use the function module GUI_UPLOAD to upload it into an internal table by passing the given parameters. Your PI application has no access to a Win32 client machine, so it cannot use Hi nella17. You may saw before the article Create XLSX/MHTML file from internal table in background and you may have use it without any issues before, but it seems that in newer releases of SAP (definitelly >= 7. Please send a sample code to support this. start-OF-SELECTION . 3) Get Workbooks property. The Batch Job is getting cancelled. Problem is before transferring data I have to transfer the header line then transfer the data. I could write the file. EXPORTING. Customer data in 1 sheet, tax data the other sheet of same excel file, Customer master-Credit data in other sheet of same excel file. SAP Inside Track. You can use the FM 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' itself. Here is just one small code to quickly send one internal table as an excel file, which will be used as a template for myself. TYPES: BEGIN OF t_tab, carrid TYPE zscarr-carrid, seats TYPE zscarr-total_seats, END OF ADD_TABLE: Add a new table node on the XML document: FORMAT_WIDTH_COLUMN: Set columns width of the table node based on the structure data elements length: ADD_ROW: Add a new row node on the XML Introduction I got the requirement to update the database table using the excel sheet data provided by the end-user. 4) Add a new workbook. For Example: 1) Attach Excel to ABAP. Thanks. Learn SAP ABAP. NOTE: I can create the file with (. data: iout type table of string . Copy the function module ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE from the standard function group to your new function group:. how to add data export to excel XLS version or make XLS standard instead of XLSX. xls Share some of my experience about Excel handling in ABAP. table data with tabs by declaring 2 constants like this: DATA: c_tab TYPE c VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab, c_ret TYPE c VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf. View products (2) Now I need to pass this excel into SAP system. I am told there is already a tool 'abap2xlsx', Hi! I was wondering if there is another function module in SAP that functions just like the function module "ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE". 2) Call ALV factory method to create ALV instance. but in internal table some fields containing the icon values so at the time of concatenate those values to string it is taking icon name not a icon logo. I have used GUI_DOWNLOAD, WS_DOWNLOAD and EXCEL_OLE_STANDARD_DAT. View products (1) Hi Experts , I need to download internal table data into an Excel file . ". This program once created will allow you to download or upload table * data from any SAP table. WHEN 6. XLS file in AL11. Regards, Prasenjit In debugging mode, after retrieving the data into internal table , double click on internal table which holds the data, put the cursor in internal table data area --> right click of your mouse (context menu) ---> choose the option 'SAVE AS EXCEL WORK BOOk' --> press 'OK' --> give the name of file and path. Step 1: Define Internal Use the function module SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT to download the internal table to an excel file. Also put 'HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR' as 'X'. Please suggest why this is happening and how to correct it. ABAP Development. DO. I have tried with OLE but it doesn't work in background and using IXML factory methods Hi, other thing that you can do is, create a internal table with a simple field with 2000 characters length. I have written following program. With Regards, Giriesh M Hello, here is an easy way to import a local Excel (text) file into a table. Regards, Gopal. any table of sap like vbak,vbap,ekko, ekpo etc to z table. in the intenal table, CELL BY CELL. Please refer to the SAP note 933420 - ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE. g. I have been looking at the following Function Modules and neither of them have a place to specify what sheet to upload. Than In our case, we’ll create a single Excel spreadsheet which will contain three separate worksheets, with each worksheet containing the content of one of the ALV reports, and then send this Excel spreadsheet as an email I have an ABAP List report that shows data from two dozen internal tables. type standard table, , . You will need to execute one or two function modules or class methods to achieve your goal. so check, function module SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT . MS_EXCEL_OLE_STANDARD_DAT. i am using the functional module TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP to upload excel file to internal table, it works fine on SAP GUI for Windows On Windows Machines But while. report zrich_0002. The file could be corrupted or unsafe. Please check if you have done it this way . so i have 3-4 sheet in one excel file. e internal table into a excel file, I have one question to you. (to the best of my knowledge ) . data: xout type string. REPORT ZEXCEL_UPLOAD. Populate message body text. Each internal table has different fields, formats, column headers, etc. Then loop on to your internal table and separate your data in it by using Hi, What are the parameters to be filled into the Function Modules "GUI_UPLOAD" and "ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE" to Upload a . now my requirement is to get the data from excel file into internal table. xlsx’ extension. loop at it001. I want the rows of the internal table as the columns in the Excel file and columns of the ITAB as rows in the Excel. Now i want to get data from excel or text file to append in ztable. HI all, I want to insert the data to database table directly from internal table . filename = p_file. searched for all similar examples but couldn't get clear on. Note 983411 let´s me think that SAP uses this appraoch also for BI Information Broadcasting. In foreground it will take long time if records are more. View products (1) hi, i have an internal table i_item ,, Open some excel file , and give some data and - install RFC server on Windows server (free download from SAP Marketplace) - create a program on the RFC server (an excel file prog. Sample code of how to use the above function is 0. In a ABAP 4. which function can i use to do so because SE16 allows me to insert data only one by one via a data entry screen. Give the FILENAME in form of a string This will suffice the need. TABLES : zscarr. Most of the time, abaper need to provide the data of final table, i. b) there is a FM for it, but we have to apply some more logic. Right now I have declared a structure and can upload it to internal table. Software Product Function. DATA itab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_upload WITH header line. 4. begin of t_record, previous_username type alsmex_tabline-value, new_usern Since your data is in internal table, try this way. The excel file should also have the header. At the end i can see, that istr[] has a content, but it is unreadible and looks like: Sriharsha, If I understand you correctly, you need to extract data from a binary Excel file using only the SAP application server. Job log for different FM's: - 'Frontend function cannot be excuted in background', - 'Excel file C:/ I am getting exactly the same issue. A blog founded by Łukasz Pęgiel in 2013 to provide code samples and ways of using ABAP hidden functions. I have tried with function module SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT but i am not getting header details in excel file. please SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. The first thing I did - created a tab separated file with ‘. data: it_fldcat type lvc_t_fcat, wa_it_fldcat type lvc_s_fcat. We should not get this pop-up message as bot will use the file in further process. clear xout. There is a really nice project called ABAP2XLSX In below program I have used SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT function module to convert internal table data to excel file and save file to user computer. I want Is there an easy way to "press" a input file line into a structure if the structure that was used to create the file is known? Example: 1. *Types. Please do a small search before posting. How can I specify what sheet of the excel file I need in my internal table. iattach. Use the function to download the internal table "GUI_DOWNLOAD" and specify the file with CSV extesion. Issue: When the same program is called via FIORI tile it does read excel and data is not getting load into internal table. txt'. Hi, I recently developed a FM to allow me to convert excel content to an internal table of any SAP structure/table type. Event. I want to read this excel file into an internal table correctly. ASSIGN ld_row->* TO <ls_row>. And the dynamic Hi Experts, I have to download the internal table contents to an excel file when the report is execeuted in BACKGROUND. Hi, other thing that you can do is, create a internal table with a simple field with 2000 characters length. This guide explains how to extend this functionality to read multiple sheets from an Excel file by creating a custom function module. this is time consuming. data: it001 type table of t001 with header line. There are already some blogs available on Check if your system has CL_FDT_XL_SPREADSHEET class. how to import to z table. xlsx file (> 150K rows) into an internal table? I have explored the following FMs but it seems like none of them can handle more than 65K rows. perform send_email_with_xls tables imessage. DATA: itab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF alsmex_tabline WITH header line. When you open the file, it will be open with Excel. csv) extension and i don't face this issue. Please somebody help on this. Thanks in Advance. I've learn about LSMW but not yet found. My question is - I have created my formatted excel file using OLE2 object and now I want to send it as attachment in email (SAP Business Workplace). The export is w You might want to try the following function module. filetype = 'ASC' has_field_separator In below program I have used SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT function module to convert internal table data to excel file and save file to user computer. Basically you can create such files with the very basic ABAP statements. Here we have no issues. Here goes the implementation: method create_xlsx_from_itab. "lt_data is your internal table catch cx_salv_msg. I created to internal tables for header and data, both have different length of records. field-symbols: <fs>. Check SAP notes in As my previous code screen, I have used below excel format , you can create similar internal table format like excel sheet or you can change file format like your internal table structure including field name and pass the same in above ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE code and run your program. This blog is to create a utility class for generating an excel file dynamically using a dynamic internal table. Below program shows how to upload into internal table from Excel file. However this solution relies on a locally installed excel version, i doubt that this will work in a sapui5 context. or After downloading multiple excels, you can put them in a single excel sheet by INSERT-->WORKSHEET option. b) there is a FM for it, but we have to apply some more logic bcos the FM uploads data of e I have a requirement to upload an excel from SAP UI5. events in abap report 1; F4 help from internal table 1; Formatted Excel in SAP ABAP using XML 1; idoc 1; lsmw 1; module pool programming 1; odata 1; oops alv 1; rest api 1; sales order creation using bapi extension 2; sap abap alv report self learning videos and code 1; sap abap email 2; sap abap for beginners 1; sap abap internal table to csv Hi. xls and . The file should contain multiple worksheets (each on a separate tab), but it should only be one XLS file. The following code snippet demonstrates how to use the cl_abap_zip class to create a ZIP archive. i tried using open data set w_filename FOR Iinput in binary mode . The method shown in the blog will work in SAP GUI and Webgui (program launched from Fiori Launchpad). First download data from internal table to local sysytem using 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'. a) is easy and recommended. a) is easy and recommended 3. The rows of the internal table should appear as lines of the . This progam uploads an excel file to a dynamic internal table. , ZALSMEX_CUSTOM) and save. If you wish to transfer data from ABAP internal table to EXCEL you can use the following function module. imessage = 'Please find attached excel file'. Zipping is particularly useful when dealing with large reports or when you want to minimize the file size for email transmission. GUI_UPLOAD is used for excel to sap. call function 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' exporting filename = file i_begin_col = '1' i_begin_row = '1' i_end_col = '200' i_end Before I came across FMs like TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP and SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT, I used ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE widely. Very transparent to user! DOWNLOAD is obsolete. Hi Gurus, I am using ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE for uplaoding an excel file. Then some operations are being performed on the data. assign lt_data -> * to This document demonstrates how to write an ABAP program to download internal table data into excel file at user command using OLE function modules. ***** * Internal table and work area declarations ***** DATA: it_tab1 TYPE TABLE OF ty_line, " Contains To download internal table data into excel format,you first have to separate your internal. WHEN 7. From the object reference, we can retrieve each worksheet data. There is no issue there. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload. I hope this will help you. I have recently written a blog that has fully functional sample code (Java & ABAP) which can convert any arbitrary ABAP table into an Excel file: Using Java Functionality from your ABAP Programs and use GUI_UPLOAD to upload the data in internal table. With Regards, Giriesh M And then we add internal table data using set_cell method, which allow specifying styles and data. xls to make sure that your PC opens it correctly with Excel. Send file by email as . Regards, Mansi. 6) Loop through internal table and set cell values and properties GUI_DOWNLOAD is used for sap to excel. it works and able to view the output as mentioned in the blog result. There are TWO options. Now that we have the file in xstring table, let's pass it to CL_FDT_XL_SPREADSHEET to get its object reference. CALL FUNCTION 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' EXPORTING. xls' don't match. ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE <ls_row> TO Loop through the internal table, insert a tab after each field on each row, insert a carriage return at the end of the row. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity. i My requirement is to Email an internal table as an Excel sheet. You can rename the file later again to . CALL FUNCTION 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' EXPORTING filename = p_file i_begin_col = 1 i_begin_row = 1 i_end_col = 5 i_end_row = 4 TABLES intern = t_tab EXCEPTIONS Use the FM: ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE to upload data from excel sheet to internal table. Now i need to create & upload excel file with above internal table where first VBAK data will sit in first sheet and VBAP data will sit in second sheet of same excel and i need to upload this excel into AL11 . The solution is based on the built in functions of cl_salv_table class. For create a macro you need Try with OLE and this link will help, OLE Excel upload. I know this is a very old topic, but I didn't find easy solution for this. Select Function Group in the dropdown. I have one question to you. From GUI transaction program works fine and reads file and upload in internal table. **Start - Data Declaration for Excel File Class DATA : lo_package TYPE REF TO cl_xlsx_document, lo_parts TYPE REF TO cl_openxml_partcollection, ABAP code to upload XLSX file to SAP using ABAP. I want to create more than 3 sheets in excel, which is default sheets in SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. WHEN 1. This *-- Excel work sheet data in dyanmic internal table ASSIGN lo_data_ref->* TO <gt_data_l>. Create a method to convert internal table to Excel xstring. select * into table it001 from t001. along with data EXCEL_OLE_STANDARD_DAT is getting field header in excel but not downloading automatically , need to save manually which is not the requirement. 2. using INSERT INTO table statement another option is you can directly upload data by using LSMWits very fast and easy way to upload data directly from text file to any SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, SAP Process Integration itab type table of ttab with header line. So, Put DAT_MODE attribute as 'X'. For this I want to write a abap program and have to schedule it. can i have the code please? SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity. if the flat file is in excel format use the ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL Check if your system has CL_FDT_XL_SPREADSHEET class. But the program is failing while run in background. If opened in excel it should be imported correctly. 3. CSV File into an internal table. IMPORTING ir_data_ref TYPE REF TO data. View products (1) Link: ABAPblog. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. type-pools: slis. Change value in the xlsx file 3. Requirement: On selection screen user will give the input as country name and file name in which user want to download the data This is a code sample for writing a internal table as an excel file to application server i. This Hi priya, 1. There is a really nice project called ABAP2XLSX which gives you to possibility to do all you need but in some case you I have developed an FM ‘Y_EXCEL_TO_ITAB ‘, which takes an excel file name and a structure/table name as inputs. (RTTS) to enable you to create or read the DataTypes of the elements within your Table : SAP Help Link. The main requirement is that the Excel file should be 'Non existing' and it should be created only when I run that Programme/ Function module. ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP GUI_UPLOAD Thanks in advan I think the best way to understand how it works is creating a macro in excel and seeing the Visual Basic code in order to "translate" it to abap. Otherwise it pops up with the message about data on the clipboard and thendoesn't fill the internal table. Then, I started experimenting or simply put This blog post is explaining all about how to download data from internal table to an excel file. The program will run in background and attach this excel sheet and send as email. filename = lv_fname <- path to file. i. But whenever i open it, i getting a pop up message "The file format and extension of 'File. Finally when we have the data Download Excel file into internal table Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. I am told there is already a tool 'abap2xlsx', The strucure of it is rather simple. This function module populates an existing excel sheet with the data from the ABAP internal table. report zrich_0001 . perform build_xls_data . filetype = 'ASC' CHANGING. a) either save the excel to TAB Delimited file, and use GUI_UPLOAD to upload the data in internal table. TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP. ABAP Connectivity. CASE lwa_data-col. I would greatly appreciate your help. SAP Managed Tags: UI Web Dynpro ABAP. SAP Community; Products and Technology; SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, SAP ERP. Fill this internal table with all the columns that you have separated by comma ",". using p_email 'Example Excel Attachment' 'XLS how to upload the excel file to the internal table , for example: i have a excel file in my computer ,the file have some fields,now i want upload this file to the internal table and of course the internal table have the same fields as this file. data: lo_table type ref to cl_salv_table, lx_xml type xstring. Enter a name for your function group (e. But they opened the excel file. xlsx) or (. The first method is more efficient and logical. 1) Fetch the data from DDIC table to internal table. <b>afTER THAT , we have to convert this cell by cell data, into our format of internal The standard function module ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE in SAP ABAP reads only the active sheet of an Excel file. or. TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_struct, col_name(30), END OF ty_struct, Hi, How to read excel file from application server to an internal table . There are two servers where you can import text files: from the presentation server (that's what Valter told you; GUI_UPLOAD) and from the application server. cl_salv_table=>factory( importing r_salv_table = lo_table changing t_table = lt_data ). refresh imessage. In this example I have a simple table, named ZDE_EXAMPLE_TABLE, with the following structure: MANDT (CLNT) (3) COUNTRY (CHAR) (40) ACTIVE (CHAR) (1) Now I want to import data from Excel in that table. Save the file in the desired location (e. filename = 'C:\Documents Check if your system has CL_FDT_XL_SPREADSHEET class. The excel file contains material number and product hierarchy number. TRANSFER ls_data TO file. you can send it to ztable. I need to allow the user to export this data into one Excel file. Regards, Himanshu ABAP Blog - Tips & Tricks for ABAP language. Create a recording of BDC using transaction SHDB and then update the database. LOOP AT it_data INTO ls_data. To attach this file as an attachment in a mail use FM ''SO_DOCUMENT_REPOSITORY_MANAGER' in this pass the file and other details of sender and receiver. Saving or Sending the File: The Excel file can be saved to the application internal table send as excel file in mail Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. using cl_salv_table => factory to create the reference of output data. But, I need to email the internal table as an excel sheet. Programming Tool. Hope it helps. Please reply me ASAP. The basic for using dynamic internal table to create an Excel spreadsheet is to use of field symbols. Create XLSX/MHTML file from internal table in background I think that any of us had meet the situation when we needed to create an Excel output from internal table in background. I have developed an FM 'Y_EXCEL_TO_ITAB ', which takes an excel file name and a structure/table name as inputs. txt file on to the desired location in the client system with a desired name. To get your data from internal table to Excel file you a Function Module 'SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT' 2. Regards, Ashvin Hi All, I have a requirement to split an internal table data into multiple excel sheets in the same workbook using a ABAP program . View products (2) Hi, I am transferring data from an Internal Table to an Excel file by using the FM 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'. Zipping the Excel File. Condense it no-gaps into an internal table with a single data element. Regards, Prasenjit Use XML-Spreadsheet and the Standard ABAP Classes that you can leverage (IF_XML / CL_IXML) Please check : SAP-Wiki with an XML-Tags example : link / link; Microsoft XML-Spreadsheet Reference : link; SAP-Wiki creating XML as Spreadsheet : link / link hi, you can use any of the following procedures: For uploading data from excel to internal table refer standard report RC1TCG3Z in se38 :. is it possible to transfer the header first then data into the excel Hi, I recently developed a FM to allow me to convert excel content to an internal table of any SAP structure/table type. In addition to the above,TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP FM is also used for converting excel or tab delimited txt file into internal table. DATA wa_upload TYPE ty_upload. You can refer to the link below to have an idea how to fulfil your requirement: Upload excel file from PC into SAP using ABAP inc . data: lr_excel_structure type ref to data, lo_source_table_descr type ref to cl_abap_tabledescr, lo_table_row_descriptor type ref to cl_abap_structdescr, lv_content type xstring, lt_binary_tab type table of sdokcntasc, lv_length type i, lv_filename1 type string, lv_path type string, lv_fullpath type string. PUBLIC SECTION. txt. Revert back if you want the related code for Hi, The Excel file is a DAT file. ENDCASE. Use the blog post as it is, don't change the code, and tell us whether it works. I'm using for that . Now use T-code CG3Z for uploading that excel file to application server. Regards, Aadhi. And parses the excel content into an internal table with the same structure given as input. Pages. Endif. In foreground it is working fine with GUI FMs and by selecting file path. data: new_table type ref to data, new_line type ref to data. It can be directly called in any ECC program do download an excel file. How do I do it. The data will be converted into internal format of SAP and an internal table will be populated. Sometimes no need to use a gun to shoot a mosquito when the gun & bullet are not ready. append imessage. below is a sample programme for downloading and uploading from excel to sap or sap to excel. In the below example the dynamic internal tables are converted into header and items strucutres. former_member24 92. Then you can follow any one of the following : 1. convt = cl_abap_conv_in_ce=>create( input = item_file ). Could abap guru help me to solve this problem There are too many articles that talk about excel attachments, no matter whether ABAP2XLS or using cl_salv_table->to_xml, etc. DATA: LV_MATNR TYPE In this post you will learn how to Write Excel File to Presentation Server. Loop at the internal table and update database table A006 directly. **Processing of Excel File as explained in next steps. As my previous code screen, I have used below excel format , you can create similar internal table format like excel sheet or you can change file format like your internal table structure including field name and pass the same in above ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE code and run your program. After getting the data into internal table, update the Z table using the modify statement. : Yes. How to interact with excel files from SAP GUI is very well described here for example: Read multiple sheets of an Excel file into SAP through ABAP - Code Gallery - SCN Wiki. What i need -> open excel file and put content of it to internal table. LSMW have standart template import to standart sap table. Selection screen. 5. It also uses a local PC working directory to save the file (that's what the 'W' value for data path flag does). ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE. Step 1: Code for downloading data to local system: Report ztest. Just choose the file name by F4 help, make sure you give the extension 'xlsx'. TYPES: BEGIN OF g_r_mara, matnr LIKE mara-matnr, ersda LIKE mara-ersda, I have a Excel file with multiple sheets. I think that any of us had meet the situation when we needed to create an Excel output from internal table in background. Create file using the internal table it_data (structure ls_data): OPEN DATASET file FOR OUTPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING DEFAULT. AL11. SELECT * FROM FAGLFLEXA into CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE IT_TAB1 WHERE RYEAR = '2008' AND DOCNR = '0 Abap Read exel file dynamically into internal table Go to solution. e. CREATE ld_row LIKE LINE OF it_internal_table. I can't prompt the user to specify the I am getting exactly the same issue. ENDLOOP. but i cant convert into an internal table . This function finds Excel in the desktop registry. Name your server file with extension . There are so many questions about exporting to Excel. " internal table declaration data: it_objpack type standard table of sopcklsti1, imessage type standard table of solisti1 , it_reclist type standard table of somlreci1 , it_objbin type standard table of solisti1 , c_tab TYPE c VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab, c_ret TYPE c VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf, "work area declaration Dear ABAP experts, I have a file with article numbers and their respective serial numbers in excel format. The requirement is to convert the file data from xstring to either string or binary which will be It is an upload program which reads excel file from desktop/PC using FM 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE'. But our clients want Hello, I have an excel file that the number of columns might vary so its not fixed. Download any DDIC table’s content into xlsx file 2. i want use the function module (gui_upload or ws_uploa Check if your system has CL_FDT_XL_SPREADSHEET class. For each of the worksheet b) Starting Excel and directing it to open the file. I need to convert that file to a SAP internal format before I can process it. parameters: p_file type localfile default 'C:test. I looked for it and I found some samples. xls file. There is a really nice project called ABAP2XLSX which gives you to I tried to use all the 3 Function Modules : TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP, ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE, GUI_UPLOAD. endtry. I did this knid of coding for having 2 internal tables data into 2 sheets of one excel file DATA it_upload TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_upload WITH header line. This is related to FDT (Formula and Derivation Tool) and not intended to read generic spreadsheet, but it works in most cases. b) use FM for excel purpose. xls speadsheet. I've make abap program to get data from. xls with an Open macro is sufficient; note: the macro is executed automatically when prog. after getting data into internal table. Save data to an Excel file. SAP ERP. If I debug and step over the line CALL METHOD OF range 'COPY' in the function module ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE, then the function works and populates the internal table. data_tab = istr[]. field-symbols: <tab> type standard table. I realize this is (a bit of) a ReDesign, but it is far more powerful than coding your way around the FunctionModules having to take all kinds of I have a problem in transfering data from internal table into the excel. DATA : IT_TAB1 type table of FAGLFLEXA with header line. hi, i have a custom created Z table into which i want to import some data from an excel file. . For each of the worksheet 1) First get in to internal table from Excel file. getting reference of internal table. While TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP function call, it is important to set the Populate table with detaisl to be entered into . FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_field> TYPE any, <ls_row> TYPE any. I have a requirement to convert internal table to excel format and send that file via attachment over mail, To achieve above requirement I need to convert internal table into an binary format. Go to Transaction SE80. upload xlsx file into DDIC table 4. convt->read( importing data = s_cont ). 50) this way makes corrupted XLSX files. I Transferring Data from ABAP Internal Table to Excel Sheet. data: new_table type ref to data, The code mentioned below can be simply copied & changing the internal table & the download path will help to achieve the output in an Excel file in the Presentation Server. Prepare You can use GUI_DOWNLOAD to do this, but you need to pass a flat table with the data separated by commas. selection-screen skip 1. field-symbols: <dyn_table> type standard table, <dyn_wa>, <dyn_field>. cf note 933420 - ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE, especially "The module is not released for customers" Anyway, CREATE OBJECT returns 2 or 3? It also mentions the possibility of authority checks (table TOLE). So I've rechecked again how it is done in ALV grid in the new NW releases and I've updated the code, so now 1. : class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES method GUI_DOWNLOAD). For Hi All, I m new to Webdynpro for ABAP and i m trying to download the data as it is in the Internal Table to excel file using FM 'CRM_IC_XML_STRING2XSTRING' ( to convert string to xstring) and CLASS 'cl_wd_runtime_services=>attach_file_to_response' ( to attach the content in excel). 5) Get active workbook properties. Open the outpput dataset and transfer the internal table with the single data column to the apps server. txt file. SAP ABAP 3; You can find lot of FM to convert excel into internal table. 3) Convert the table data to excel I am creating and xlsx file from webdynpro abap. The problem is, Excel does not open this file and simply says, it is not Excel file. wa_file Hi all, I have an internal table of type string. , if i have an excel sheet with VBAK table content, I just have to pass the excel file path and the string 'VBAK' to this FM, it will return me the content of excel, filled in an internal table of type VBAK. I am having three fields on the selection screen like Promotion ID, Promotion Description and file upload. declare parameter p_file of type rlgrap-filename. Background: SAP has provided us the means to create data at run-time. Instead of the hardcoded text for creating data in A1 cell </>ls_xls_cell-cell_content = 'S21-Includes all formatting', I want to replace/provide my own Experts, I see many posts by Sandra and other ABAP experts where the recommendation is to use ABAP2XLSX. This solution is based on the method described in As my previous code screen, I have used below excel format , you can create similar internal table format like excel sheet or you can change file format like your internal table structure including field name and pass the same in above ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE code and run your program. ENDIF. For example: DATA: ld_row TYPE REF TO data. TYPE-POOLS truxs. You see, I have a problem with the length of alsmex_tabline since it only has a length of 50. There is various internal tables/structures, see one below An alternative solution might be to use SAP BC for the Excel conversion. Hi Sandra_Rossi, Thanks for your response. call function 'GUI_UPLOAD' exporting. Using cl_salv_controller_metadata => get_lvc_fieldcatalog to create the field catalogue. hi, you can use any of the following procedures: For uploading data from excel to internal table refer standard report RC1TCG3Z in se38 : or You can use the FM ' SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. 3) Convert the table data to excel I think that any of us had meet the situation when we needed to create an Excel output from internal table in background. If it exists, Use IF_FDT_DOC_SPREADSHEET ~ GET_WORKSHEET_NAMES method, to get the worksheet names from the excel spreadsheet. xlsx. CREATE PUBLIC. Creating the Excel File: The transform method converts the Excel content into an XSTRING format, which can be used for email attachments or storing as . RH_START_EXCEL_WITH_DATA starts Excel with the contents of an internal table. Initially it is working fine (checked in debugger) but at the end (mass testing) it is giving a dump. This leaves the data that I plan to use become truncated. maintain the count and using fm alsm_excel_tointernaltable and writing download sap abap internal table into an Excel file Zafar Karnalkar 16:58. ABAP Development *---Inserting the data from file the internal table LOOP AT lt_data INTO lwa_data. 7 program, we need to download internal table/structures in a excel file. if it_fieldcat is initial. check changed value in DDIC table. We can use various RTTS To download the internal table data as excel file, the following steps are involved. Regards, Naveen. com - Create XLSX/MHTML file from internal table in background; The code I implemented is the following: SAP Inside Track, ABAP Development. Any help is appreciated! Thanks Hi geeks, I have two internal table with data for Eg LT_VBAK and LT_VBAP. ls_data-file_path = ls_excel-value. ABAP; BI/BW; BOBJ; Buy. METHODS: itab_to_xstring . At first, I thought its very simple. Please let me know how to upload excel / csv file into internal table in background mode. I followed the installation page from GITHUB and installed if u have a to do so by excel u need to take care of mulitple excel sheets as u cant upload more than 60000 records into a single excel sheet . try. At the end i can see, that istr[] has a content, but it is unreadible and looks like: Hello, Any idea how to import a HUGE Excel . kindly help me with this. In SE80, select the function group containing ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE I have to upload customers from excel file. PARAMETER p_file TYPE rlgrap-filename DEFAULT 'C:\TEST. Once the Data has been read into two different internal tables use the below methods to the read the data and process it . My solution is simple to output the internal table data to XLSX file. But unable to download the header in excel. I had a look on SDN for quite a while and am giving up now. 2) Set Visible property. we are donloading customer data excel file sheets. For uploading records from excel to internal table the best function module is 'TEXT_CONVERT_XLS Generally for uploading the data from flat file to sap GUI_UPLOAD. Application Server: For importing text files into an internal table you can use the following pseudo coding" DATA: itab type table itab_type, wa_struct type itab_type. In the third field I am trying to upload an excel file which has 5 columns. How do I upload this file into the internal table and then further update the data in the corresponding tables. SAP Community; Groups; SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. 1. View products (1) Hi, I need to export the content of a excel file to an internal table. data(lt_data) = ref # ( it_data ). End-user will provide different database table names -> TRANSFER DATASET : writing data to a file. Pass Desktop File path, Structure name in p_File and STR as input Parameters respectively. There are already some blogs available on this topic, but those does not support dynamic table. View products (1) Hi, I am facing a peculiar problem in uploading the data in excel sheet to internal table. bcos the FM uploads data of excel. For each of the worksheet You can find lot of FM to convert excel into internal table. Would anyone be able to help me to resolve this issue. UI Web Dynpro ABAP. Excel download from internal table. I want to download the contents of this internal table into a . Solution Please follow the below steps. ls_data-data_car = ls_excel-value. xls'. The data is returned in the Solved: Hi All, Can any one help me to create an multiple excel sheet in an work book using OLE. Once the Excel file is generated as an xstring, we can proceed to zip it. awvocpml nhfm wxwwt uykzs nlobwto hcnwau yyh rli nnypbqdp mbgvzak