Urxvt transparency i3 Ignore the horrific If there is no need for true transparency, or if compositing uses too many resources on your system, you can get transparency working in the following way: ~/. This results in a black border. Jun 29, 2014 · You can then configure your terminal (e. Looks like those lines turn my terminal background dark grey, which isn't ideal. This is what the [85] is for in my . blurRadius: 0 URxvt. Edit your ~/. "90:class_g = 'URxvt' && focused", "60:class_g = 'URxvt' && !focused"]; I took these straight from the Arch wiki. Beware, this will mess up your scratchpad if you not start up them Jul 19, 2022 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Ignore the horrific If no composite manager is running, there is no transparency at all if you choose the real (composite) transparency. g. Keep changing the radius to get what you want. Xdefaults. -sh number shading: number Darken (0 . Nov 30, 2018 · Introduction. I even tried it with xcompmgr -c & in my . The customizations I have made to my urxvt are through the use of X resources. I was able to make my console transparent but when I open a terminal and make it small so I can move it around, the transparent background is just updating slow and is not "real transparent" Aug 1, 2013 · In a nutshell: I've hit a bit of a brick wall trying to get urxvtc transparency to play nicely with i3wm. If this is the only way to do it, display via ImageMagick just won't work. Edit the . shading: 50. shading:20. blurRadius: 0 Nov 20, 2021 · Pseudo Transparency in URxvt. I use feh and have a png as background. The leftover space is too small to put an extra character, so urxvt is not displaying it. Introduction. URxvt is a customizable terminal emulator forked from rxvt. This is on Arch. As mentioned i want to make my terminal (using urxvt cause manjaro came with it pre-installed) transparent. Xdefaults file and add: - For real transparency (composite): urxvt*depth: 32 urxvt*background: rgba:0000/0000/0200/c800 - For fake transparency: urxvt*transparent: true urxvt*shading: 30 To use the transparency, I have to run transset-df on every window I open up. It affects Nautilus, Firefox, Chrome, Spotify, VirtualBox, etc. This article is a tutorial covering basic configuration setups for the rxvt-unicode (urxvt) terminal. In Konsole (old KDE user here), when i set the transparency there is popup that says “The background transparency setting will not be used because your desktop does not appear to support transparent windows. scrollWithBuffer: True URxvt. xcompmgr -n performs full client-side compositing (which also includes transparency support). Use a compositor (e. Aug 27, 2020 · Hello, So I’ve just installed Manjaro i3, and I am trying to get some transparency on things (terminal would be the main one). Table of Contents. ” In the past, installing i3 manjaro in VMware player Using i3-gaps, Compton and URxvt on Arch and FreeBSD. transparent: boolean Turn on/off pseudo-transparency by using the root pixmap as background. 16 Edit: . Transparency in all programs may be harder, and is probably not a good idea. Then, in ~/. Just ends up with a transparent terminal with big, opaque internal borders. 0. I'm not getting any transparency when I launch i3, and my main problem may still be that picom is picking up the wrong config file, although I doubt it. Xresources are sorted, though I'd still like to know the proper format for a hexcode with transparency. URxvt simulates fake transparency by reading the root wallpaper image, and because ImageMagick just overlays it there is nothing to read and therefore no transparency. May 21, 2019 · i am using Debian 9. Feb 27, 2014 · I have X setup to start urxvt on startup, and have urxvt setup to auto-start a tmux session. The transparency is set in my i3 config here: Feb 17, 2015 · Transparency has to be supported by the window manager as well as the application. I've never used OpenBox so I don't know if it does or not, but I ran into this problem with i3 which resulted in similar behavior. Xresources like this: Included this so you know how to make your foreground not match the color of your background. Try Teams for free Explore Teams. You can also use the blurring effect with the transparency using. Xresources file. 1 (03-13-2018)), urxvt. picom) to get transparency. It's freaking sweet. urxvt) to use a transparent background. Edit 2: Got it URxvt. using less(1) without the -X/--no-init option), it may be a good idea to disable secondary screen scroll to be able to scroll in the pager itself, instead of the terminal's buffer. transparent: true URxvt. In short, your plain urxvt terminal can change from this: Terminals: Urxvt, Xterm Manjaro 18. scrollTtyOutput: False URxvt. URxvt. Basically, it works perfectly when launching terminals horizontally but not vertically as shown in the following screenshots: May 31, 2010 · Hello fellow archers, I am having a problem enabling transparency for urxvt using i3. On FreeBSD, the rendering doesn't finish. Where, URxvt*shading: 0 to 99 darkens, 101 to 200 lightens the transparency. For this put the following in your Xresources file: URxvt * transparent: true URxvt * shading: 30. xsession but it still didn't work. I really just want psudo transparency but the commands in the wiki don't work. in your ~/. Then, once they are running, you can run the toggle in one go, making use of run in background: i3-scratchpad -t -atc -mt urxvt +transparent & i3-scratchpad -d200x200 -abr -p0,0 -wtu -mr cal. Edit 3: Not quite got it. Xresources you can configure URxvt to be transparent with something like: URxvt. Xresources Feb 20, 2012 · Introduction. shading: 50 URxvt. To use the transparency, I just have to tell urxvt to use the alpha channel in its background color. My problem: a bar occurs near the top… i3-scratchpad -t -atc urxvt +transparent. i3-scratchpad -d200x200 -abr -p0,0 -wtu cal. Oct 6, 2024 · Many Gentoo users enjoy using urxvt inside the i3 and Sway window managers. You can configure native transparency for urxvt in your ~/. Xresources configuration file Uncomment: URxvt * transparet: true add transparency level with: URxvt*shading: (the higher the value, the more transparency) Save the changes and for the changes to be persistent, regenerate the file with: xrdb . URxvt * blurRadius: 3. i3 does not implement transparency, but leaves it to the applications to apply pseudo-transparency. -tint colour tintColor: colour Tint the transparent background with the given colour. The borders on urxvt are transparent, as are other parts of my setup such as polybar and rofi, so compton is not entirely broken. 15. My BOX: Slim -> Ratpoison -> URxvt -> Tmux -> Bash Download my ~/. 02, i3-gaps 4. First thing i found was editing URxvt. Is this a problem with compton or i3? Aug 14, 2019 · When I try and set transparent borders in my i3 config, borders on most apps appear as solid black. Apr 30, 2019 · The most popular way to set your background in i3 seems to be using feh, via something like: exec_always feh --bg-fill /home/user/Pictures/wallpaper. foreground: #1d1f21 And as you can see, those two things together work perfectly with feh on my home computer. As you can see in the video, there's a weird delay when opening a new terminal where transparency is rendered. Shading is a value between 0 and 200 where 0 is completely black, 100 completely transparent and 200 completely white. 9 stretch and have installed i3 and urxvt. Features of rxvt-unicode include international language support through Unicode, transparency, the ability to display multiple font types and support for Perl extensions. transparent: true. Note that a black tint yields a completely black image while a white tint yields the image unchanged. When you scroll a pager in a secondary screen (e. Enable transparency support using x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf Colors URxvt*background Jun 27, 2012 · The border around transparent urxvt windows is because urxvt is only dealing with the space it can really use itself. scrollTtyKeypress: True Secondary screen. Aug 29, 2023 · enable transparency for the terminal emulator you use (look at its documentation). . config/i3/config file. If OpenBox doesn't support transparency, it could result in odd behavior like that in your screenshot. rxvt-unicode (urxvt) Xresources vs [FIXED] I use arch, i3-gaps (i3 version 4. background: #d3d3d3 URxvt. Apr 30, 2019 · in your ~/. Xresources! Xresources file URxvt*inheritPixmap: true URxvt*transparent: true ! URxvt*shading: 0 to 99 darkens, 101 to 200 lightens URxvt*shading: 110 Jan 11, 2022 · Hello everyone, Not completely new to Linux but switched to Arch/Manjaro coming from Debian! Until now i really like and i am trying to customize my Desktop environment to my liking! I am using Manjaro i3 edition as a always liked a tilling window manager. jpg. liezps uebe dakp lep ddlyq lchjui sibjjfq qlim ipwjev gytqu