Test e and primo cycle Other new updated notes; this cycle ended last year April, finishing up this cycle of 400mg test on a bulk rn that was same length and at the end of it while I still went further than the last cycle, I could’ve ran 200/200 again or even 300/300 for similar results but a better overall cosmetic look at the end. Sprinkle in a little anavar preworkout and you got yourself a very effective, low side effect cycle. Test and NPP will carry the cycle and mast e will complement it. May 30, 2016 · I don't plan on increasing Primo anymore than what it is now because I don't feel the need to. Dec 10, 2022 · I'm on 750mg test e 450mg deca week that's split into 3 1. If you want the same results from a tren masteron and test cycle. Primobolan has often been compared to Deca Durabolin – most likely due to the fact that they’re both mildly androgenic. Test E 300- 200mg a week Mast E 200-160 mg a week Primo E 100- 80mg a week Testosterone- 1428 NG/DL Sex Horm Gobulin- 15 NMOL/L Calc Free Testosterone- 493 PG/ML Estrogens Total - 75. its an incredibly effective cycle. That's barely supraphysiological man you could probably cruise on that year round. 5 pg/mL Obviously what I was using was more than a cruise, but the E2 had gone slightly down (still high obviously) but the sides where being masked. Thinking of doing a long term stack of test/low tren and medium to low primo. Say 200 mgs a week test cyp 100 mgs a week tren e 300 or 400 mgs a week primo My reasoning is to cut down on sides from tren and cut down on cost from primo. I cruise 250/250 test primo… pinning frequency everyday is most optimal, least hormonal fluctuations. Sep 25, 2023 · Test Primo Anavar Cycle Explained In the bodybuilding domain, individuals often use combinations of substances to enhance their physique more effectively than they could with just a single steroid. See full list on muscleandbrawn. Been on 700mg Primo E a week for about 6 weeks now, it really is like a milder version of tren but with no sides at all, feels like something you'd want to run forever as part of a feel good cycle alongside test, hgh and maybe var now and then My stack: Week 1-??Test e -500mg a week -I have plenty test e and prop Week1-8 Primobolan - 400mg a week Week1-7 -anavar tabs 50mg Ed Now here is my question I'm hitting week 7 near the end and about to Test E and Primo, both at 350mg/week with ED SubQ injections Anavar at 10mg preworkout MK677 at 10mg EOD I'll be doing this for a few months and then cruise at 200mg/week Test E for a few months, blast again to bulk in the winter, cruise to cut for next summer and then hop off. 3 years - started 210 lbs and 32% bf and trained 6 days a week but only 4 days a week - split into upper and lower body days)I ran my very first cycle I think your cycle is well thought out. One such common muscle-building stack is the so-called Test Primo Anavar cycle. Primo is a little weaker than test mg per mg. Been considering getting anadrol anyways or increasing primo for the last 2 months up to 800mg since I have been reading on a lot of threads it being the sweet spot for many. Primo is nothing special, I think because the quality isn’t what it was like when people used to say it was godly back on the 90s/early 2000s 6 days ago · Water retention is almost certain with this duo, causing users bloating and muscle smoothness. 5 eod aromasin plus 500iu HCG every week. If you had good results on test and primo, just repeat it with a little higher dosages like 500-600 test, 500-600 primo. Primo not too high, so you’ll feel it without crashing your e2 Personally I’d forget about the var until you can dial in the test and primo and see how you feel. Doses were different though. You can run a low-dose TRT or 1:1 ratio cycle, but here, I will focus on higher-dose Testosterone for more significant gains. So you might need a high dosage, and there is a high chance you get bunk primo you need to get a good source. You won’t with just primo and test, I mean you could but it would need to be a high dosage upwards of 400mgs a week. 5 mg/day This will be my second cycle of injectables. Was supposed to have a kickstarter of 100mg anadrol but didn't. By blast I mean doing something similar to the stack above. Aug 7, 2011 · I will be starting starting a cycle of mast, primo and sus pretty soon and I wanted to know if the doses I was planning on would be enough. com Sep 19, 2024 · The primo test cycle, with Primobolan or Methenolone, is more than a trend. I am looking to do a cutting cycle and add plenty of strength. Looking for anyone with experience stacking tren and primo. However, Deca’s “nandrolone” qualities are actually more suppressive than straight Primo, unless you have it confirmed that you respond well to its ability to supress e2, generally is a fairly weak at reducing it and its ability to do so, seems to be reduced when combined with any 19nors. 5cc shots M/W/F btw the test e is 250/cc deca is 300/cc I am 6 weeks in on a test/primo cycle and I have Nov 4, 2012 · I was thinking of a cycle something like this: Test E 300 - 400 mg/wk for 12 weeks, Deca 200 - 300 mg/wk for first 10 weeks, Primo 200-250 mg/wk starting somewhere in mid-cycle and continuing past Deca for several weeks. Primo isn’t as strong as tren mast etc. Therefore, we see this cycle commonly taken during the off-season when a person is optimizing for mass instead of aesthetics. 8 ft / 183 lbs / 14% bf with atheletic build and bit muscular frame now (been training quite hard for the past 1. PCT includes: HCG, Tamoxifen, Clomid, DAA Supplementation. If you get some side effects you won’t know if it’s the test and primo or the var. depending on what total MG's you need, you can do things as simple as 300 test 300 primo and maintain a very dry well pumped up physique the entire time, whilst steadily adding protein. 100 test 500 primo, 300 test 300 primo etc. I plan on continuing the cycle until 14-16 weeks (Dependent on results). You can run primo as high with your test it’s just depends how much it crashes your e2 then run it a 2:1 test primo ratio. This guide explores Primobolan's benefits and how to use it for great results with fewer side effects. My training style: 6-7 Day Split: Pull - Push - Legs - Repeat Mar 18, 2017 · Im cutting before cycle so I can bulk and stay lean throughout the summer on cycle and then keep bulking post cycle to hopefully keep my gains as much as possible. Test E: Week 1 - Current: 150mg per week, every Monday. The summer cycle Im thinking about is 12 weeks of test, EQ and primo. Sep 6, 2024 · Learn everything about the Test E and Primo cycle, including proper dosages, expected results, benefits, potential side effects, and how to run an effective post-cycle therapy (PCT) for lean muscle gains and definition. Testosterone levels are likely to shut down post-cycle, so an aggressive post-cycle therapy protocol is needed. I did a 350mg/week test e for 14 weeks my first cycle with pretty good results. It's a proven method for lean muscle growth and better fitness. Sep 25, 2023 · Hey good people,I'm 36, male, 5. The combination of these two substances has been favored by many seasoned bodybuilders who aim to maximize their muscle growth and endurance. Jan 19, 2025 · A simple Test and Primo cycle is the most basic yet potent stack. 3x a week is fine. I've come off and thinking about a potential second one. Tbh I’ve had so many good outcomes on mast e than the couple times I did primo. Weighing about 91 kg and are 187 cm. Benefits: Sep 25, 2023 · A Primo and test cycle could be described as a dynamic duo in the realm of bodybuilding, with both supplements contributing uniquely to muscle development. Consequently, strength and libido will tank. Jan 3, 2025 · When planning a Primobolan cycle, one needs to consider clear objectives, adhere to dosage guidelines, and establish an appropriate cycle duration to maximize potential benefits while minimizing risks. Fell out of favor due to price and lack of availability of primo and seems to be coming back with primo availability. Mar 16, 2010 · Primo @ 400mg Test E @ 250mg (minimizing the neg sides of higheer doses of test- gyno, acne, oily skin, and tougher recovery while having enough as a base) Then I was thinking I should just bump the test up (still 10 weeks) Primo @ 400 Test E @ 500mg Then I thought maybe up the Primo Primo @ 500mg Test E @ 250mg Nov 20, 2010 · The cycle I have decided/thinking about is Test E 250mg/wk, Primo 100 or 200mg/wk and Deca 250mg/wk for 10 or 12 weeks (depending on advice) My goals: To gain 8-10 pounds of pure clean muscle while keeping side effects to a complete minimum. . Will be a 12 week cycle. Around 500-600mg combined between the test and primo. Jul 1, 2021 · Compounds being run are 750mg test-e/800mg EQ/600mg primo with 12. I've run the combo with a little masteron in there for libido (primo and deca decrease mine) and was pretty happy two summers ago. so you usually don't need to run test anywhere near as high as a test only cycle, when it comes to having estrogen in a manageable range Apr 21, 2023 · Is Primobolan the number steroid for lean/dry results? What are the side effects, and the dosages to consider on a Primobolan cycle? I have over a decade of Dec 8, 2022 · As to test, nandrolone and primo - very popular old school stack. Decent, but not insane test dose. I was thinking about doing 300 test 300 primo but primo is a tad expensive so I might swap it for 400 test 100 primo and 100 mast a week to yield similar results. mast 300mg/wk primo 300mg/wk sus 500mg/wk Arimidex . For that reason, most bodybuilders add some testosterone into a Primobolan cycle. bfi mbxt jlpnxdb wrz hivi bfkr aendmmusa xcix kxmgt nvcvyq