Stm32h7 usb speed not working each peripheral work on it own , but not together. I started from the CUBE project with UAC1 high speed but when I change the descriptors there's something that goes wrong. The USB host is internal (H745). I used serial port manitor to monitor the received data from the serial port, however this serial monitor software do not open the serial port by itself and if any other software opens the serial port and receives the data, it monitors data receptions. OTG_HS can be configured as full speed, but let’s just stick to OTG_FS. I have selected the USB DFU function in the . While STM32CubeMX forces you to keep updates enabled for the USB block when you use that tool to generate startup code, you can still disable global interrupts in your code. USB device driver support on the STM32H7 series Jun 19, 2021 · If USB interrupts are disabled, the STM32Cube USB device driver will not be able to respond to requests from the USB host. Open the chip configuration ioc-file, and from the menu open Connectivity->USB_OTG_FS to set up the full-speed USB port. Unfortunately this memory is used as default in some projects including examples. My application works fine when running in PCD_SPEED_FULL mode (12 Mb/s), b Apr 29, 2021 · in my new project with STM32H7A3 (set up using STMCubeMX Version 6. if we enable both of them they are not working not even if the USB buffers ar May 14, 2021 · Hello, i am looking for information about using the STM32F4/H7 with HS USB over the ULPI interface. I've ordered USB breakout boards to confirm this but haven't been able to do so yet. 4. If you can get past that, the H7 series is a fast, flexible, well-designed series of chips that are a little expensive. we do not have an external RAM, so we use the 412K internal RAM. Apr 3, 2021 · When DMA is disabled, normally there is no restrictions for the memory range used and you have to get your USB Host working. When I connect newer 128GB USB3. The example expects a full speed USB device and my Nucelo only has a high speed USB in CubeMX so I've tried setting the USB_OTG_HS to full speed (12 MBits/s) and high speed (480 MBits/sec) but neither one enumerates a drive. In summary these can be the possible issues: Memory placed in DTCM RAM for D1/D2 peripherals. Jan 13, 2019 · Hi there, I've got a new STM32H743I EVAL board and am trying to run the USB audio HS example provided with stm32cube_fw_h7_v130. Mar 26, 2021 · This FAQ concerns enabling USB DMA in STM32H7 devices. Aug 26, 2018 · What I did so far: I took the USB Host example from 743 EVAL board, disabled anything but USART and USB Host, switched USB clock source to RC48. I hope this can help solve your first issue. The STM32H7 features a USB Full Speed communication interface, allowing the microcontroller to communicate typically with a PC or a USB storage device. In fact the UAC2 (as well as UAC1) can be used both with high speed USB (480Mbps) and full speed (12Mbps) with the obvious speed limitations. Mar 7, 2022 · When i change CDC_DATA_FS_MAX_PACKET_SIZE to value more then 64, usb stops working on USB 2. Why do you think so? Nov 17, 2023 · My suggestion to speed up the transfers is using FreeRTOS (which is very easy to add in CubeMX) and creating two tasks: One to read from the SD card and the other to transfer data over USB and retry the transfer in case the USB stack is busy. Jun 20, 2024 · Hello, I'm a hobbyist and I'm working on a USB to 4xI2S (8 channels using the SAIs) using a stm32H7 MCU. This figure shows the connections between an STM32H7 microcontroller and a USB connector. 0 high-speed data transfer rate of 480 Mbit/s ⁴. You can refer to the STM32CubeH7 for USB applications made by ST. However, not all packages of these microcontrollers have the USB high-speed PHY feature. One the the recommended chips is the usb3300. I've seen posts here that mention F7 HS USB working, but couldn't find any mention of H7. The simplest implementation is a USB peripheral device but the STM32H7 also supports the Nov 25, 2024 · I'm using an STM32H750 MCU to run an application that communicates with a computer via USB in CDC ACM mode. 0 HUB, but working on USB 3. ) will either have bugs or not support the H7 series at all. Oct 25, 2022 · Hi, does anyone know of the max throughput (rough numbers are fine) you can obtain over USB Serial (CDC) on USB High Speed? We are using a STM32H7 MCU. Based on the USB specs, I believe the cable has a 5. 2. The host init is called from default FreeRTOS task at the very beginning of it. 1kΩ pulldown on pin USB-CC1 at the host, and the adapter has a 56kΩ pullup on pin USB-CC1 at the device. The application uses USBX from Eclipse ThreadX and an external USB PHY (USB3300) to perform high-speed communication. When trying to play au Aug 15, 2021 · But, switching to my composite implementation, I see in wireshark USB analyser, that MSC responds to command read10 with invalide data, there are no sector data with size of 4096, at the same time there were resets requsts from HOST, & the VCP channel is not working well, but after some time, when windows stops requests to MSC, VCP starts work Jun 12, 2017 · However the USB audio class 2 is indipendent from the USB speed. May 9, 2019 · Dear friends, I'm Using STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1. Do i need librarys? Are there examples how to transfer data over HS USB to the PC and back? What is the proggramming interface on the PC side? I think, Virtual comport will not work. I'm using the correct USB connector, my PC (Windows 10) recognises the device and says it's working properly. 0) the USB which has been set to CDC is not working. It is not currently supported by Zephyr. 9. Not even the PC sees any USB device connected - not even wrong configuration or so noted. VBUS detection is disabled, OTG ID all disabled. 0, on an STM32H753. Once they enable DMA, everything falls down, and this is common for both USB host and device: Apr 30, 2020 · We are using stm32H743 We need a frame buffer of 150K to our LCD. Jan 26, 2021 · Hi, I have a bug with my bootload application on STM32H743ZI (my device is powered and bootloaded throw the same USB port) 1 - I send a HID USB message to tell the micro to jump to bootloader 2 - I bootload using DfuSe dll (it appears to work fine) 3 - After bootload I don't see my HID device on my Nov 4, 2023 · These microcontrollers can support USB 2. If I use the USB HS pins, can I still just use it as full speed in certain applications? If I'm just using it as a simple ACM for a com port, I won't need high speed, but I can imagine an application where I want high speed. 0 and HAL Version 1. May 10, 2024 · However, a new problem and possible cause for this issue was found out that, the delay used in USB state machine (and for whole working of USB functionality) named HAL_Delay () is not accurate thus causing timing issue in USB operation. May 26, 2021 · STM32H7 as USB audio device, with external PHY, USB3343, ULPI Device_Only. 0 with TrueStudio 9. For example, only packages with more than 144 pins on the STM32F730 have the USB high-speed PHY ⁵. 3. I'm starting to look at the dedicated board. Examples? Any help with examples, links Jul 27, 2023 · Solved: Hi, I am working on a project where we need USB DFU on the STM32H730. Mar 15, 2021 · This request addresses USB device driver support on the STM32H7 series. And they don't come with USB HS PHYs. The hardware is finished. I have a proof of concept working on a stm32F7 discovery board. Has anybody got an micro-SD card working on the SDMMC1 Jul 23, 2018 · The problem is related to two things: memory layout on STM32H7 and internal data cache (D-Cache) of the Cortex-M7 core. 0 drive, I get only HOST_USER_CONNECTION but not HOST_USER_CLASS_ACTIVE. Are we limited to classic UART baud rates like 115200, or is BAUD rate ignored for USB serial when the endpoint is a MCU? May 5, 2020 · Is the USB high speed (with external ULPI PHY and DMA controller) supported on H7 ? I'm looking to start a project that requires high speed (~10-15MB/sec) USB rates, so my first inclination is to look at H7 chip at 480Mhz. There was a problem in my terminal software. This should not prevent an USB core reset though, but I am not exactly sure what an unconfigured CRS would do to HSI48. ST's stuff works pretty well by now, but anything third-party (openocd, libopencm3, Mbed, usb device libraries, etc. There may be USB_OTG_HS option as well, but the high-speed USB requires an external PHY (unless you have F7 board). Me May 30, 2017 · Fortunately, the problem is solved and I can receive data in the PC from the STM32. We also work with USB (Full speed mode). USB FS1 is configured as host only. I understand that the USB peripheral needs a precise clock, which can't be achieved al. Nothing seen on PC in Device Manager when the USB is connected. IOC, compiled and uploaded STM32H7 USB May 15, 2022 · My project compiles and runs in CubeIDE but no USB drive enumerates on my PC. Anyway, not a healthy configuration. Many customers that are working with USB in STM32H7 devices face a problem when activating DMA. What they notice is that everything is working good and USB behaves normally before activating DMA. Oct 22, 2021 · The Type-C to Micro-B cable is for USB OTG and it forces the phone to be the host. Is "2mb/sec" 2 mega bytes per second, or 2 mega bits per second? There is not such limit as "64byte per ms". Aug 3, 2024 · Then, we can configure the chip. The Parameter Settings show Speed: Device High Speed 480MBit/s; Physical interface Connectivity, USB_Device, USB, UART, Full Speed, High Speed, CDC, PSTN, USB-to-RS232, Bridge, VCP, Com port @par USB Library Configuration To select the appropriate USB Core to work with, user must add the following macro defines within the Jun 6, 2018 · STM32H7 SWO printf not working /* we have default 2 Mbps SWO speed in ST-Link SWV viewer */ USB not working if you forget to enable a power monitor, SDMMC can Apr 26, 2020 · CRS is not running (APB1HENR = 0), LSE is not running (BDCR = 0), and there is no incoming SOF because you are the host. 0. The Full-speed example works fine. USB_OTG_HOST is configued as HOST_ONLY, FULL_SPEED (12Mbit/s). vfpboft pivqh oyyuigm oia eylhjroe gpavy zxzilv jsagn laxl tkzu