Battletech change starting mechs Change the starting CAREER mechdefs to your selected mechs in the SimGameConstants file in Roguetech Core. Like you said ImHelping, am sure we could figure out how to change it if we really wanted too. (and the other starting mechs are immediately under that) Jan 19, 2020 · C:\BATTLETECH Heavy Metal\BattleTech_Data\StreamingAssets\data\itemCollections you can edit these to add to or change any of the random mechs that can be available if you wish. Already got my steam key and got it dialed in. Works with custom mechs from any modpak. 5 difficulty rating missions are not too dangerous. I ended up starting over. ) But the starting lance was designed the way it was for a reason. " JohnTesh". You're probably best off learning the game via Medium Mechs like the ones in the Beginners Box or A Game of Armored Combat box set, from there you can look for more Mechs that match your playstyle via Sarna or the MUL. Pilots: Two Liao nobles (one naive; one criminal spacer); one Davion noble (hired because I fired an Unstable); one Marik noble. You can find mechdef_BlackJack_BJ-1 and replace it with any mech found in the Mech folder in the "Data" folder. CTR+F "Blackjack" or "StartingPlayerMech". May 23, 2018 · You can do it whenever you want, but I recommend before character creation. That's when I change my starting mechs; before I even start the game actually. if you want to start in Valkyrate space - //Gotterdammerung "valkyrate". I noticed BEX lets you change the starting mech in the campaign start menu to customize your difficulty so I assume BEX has a file that is overriding the SimConstants JSON. Can't say what the tutorial is like if you change your mechs. i have changed campaign starting mechs including the players mech. JSON as per OP above. JSON or you can make your own mechdef_XXX. The mech now alphas for 90 damage making him very effective at running up close and: vs. But, after searching for hours I couldn't find it. Note: I haven't tried using all of these as starting mechs I just compiled the list and dumped on here if anyone else needs it. I don't really like either of those, I'd like to give myself a unique set of light mechs on a new game, what file should I be editing? Thanks in advance. 2; Behemoth's mech. Mechwarrior Skills and Classes. Reinstall RT with Random Campaign Start deselected. Sep 10, 2019 · Other BATTLETECH Guides: Beginners Guide (Combat Tactics, Pilot Skills, Contracts, The Argo). For example. For the particular mech names you need to use, look in the streamingassets\data\mechs. Than go to mechdefs of the mechs you want, and add this tag to the end of MechTags. You can add whatever mech you want to an empty bay. Mech Combat Guide. Really, just mechs that are "Jack of all trades, master of none" so that no matter how you roll on weapons in salvage, you can start kitting out your mechs away from the default right away. The game refers to them as "mechdef_XXX" (for example, "mechdef_shadowhawk_SHD-2D"). Go to -BATTLETECH\BattleTech_Data\StreamingAssets\data\simGameConstants Open up the Simgameconstants file with Notepad. If you don't have any empty bays put the mechs into storage in-game rather than removing them in the save editor. [7] Refit Mechs with long range weapons and Use Sensor Lock I pick my start settings to give me Tactics so I can buy Sensor Lock really early. Go find corresponding tag in "AllowedTags". Decide which part on the map you want to start with. Oct 12, 2021 · Welcome back, today I'm talking about how to look at my starting mechs in a new career in BattleTech Advanced 3062 and how I like to modify them for maximum In center torso add 2 small lasers. Make a note of the mechs you want. F. Start a new career. Every entry (comma seperated) is csv with a Collection of any number of Mechs. Right now its set for 7 partials to make a whole, the assembled parts don't come with weapons/equipment, money is at minimum, but salvage is at maximum, replacement pilots are rarely elite, my pilots progress at the minimum rate (20% of normal experience), and probably I just started a new campaign, and got a pretty auspicious start. It also likes to gang up on one of your mechs. I'd suggest checking out how it's set up because you can change the number of starting mechs, mech sizes, starting pilots, pilot experience, and whether the ronin have random builds all pretty easily. Dec 20, 2020 · That's good to learn; thank you. #1 Apr 21, 2018 · While I would have liked the fact that the different background choices would have affected what our initial starting mech was, its not a game breaking issue for me. This mech can be changed in SimGameConstants. Replace it with some made up tag, f. I changed the career starting lance to include a Zeus and Hatchetman about 2 weeks ago for my Steiner recovery playthrough and it worked fine. And I don't know if a Kintaro can be rolled as a starting mech, but having a medium kitted out as a belt sander (that thing can fit 4xSRM6 and an arm mod Aug 26, 2022 · Getting even 1 extra Mech on the ground can change your day and speed up your salvage rates. e. From memory of the days of modding this a few months ago that is the list used if the list for your start is somehow corrupted/ not working for some reason It's possible there is an issue in your files. Yeah I don't see any problems with the edit you made but the save game editor is easier. It's a good way to destabilize lights so they lose all evasion. This does not effect the main starting mech. Jan 17, 2019 · Career mode I did once for a more balanced lance (quickdraw, trebuchet, vindicator, spider to represent a pirate lance and give more starting flexibility though I wound up with new mechs within a couple missions. This determines your initial 'Mech roster, comprising five BattleMechs commonly found in that region of space. I do have the tutorial skip mod as well so I start in control of the leopard. When starting a new career, you have the option of starting in one of several planet systems. No more easy Black Market SLDF mechs. You have to be much more careful. Just lock targets and hit them with range weapons. This will not change the player character's battlemech until the start of the first mission after the tutorial. Give yourself anything over a medium mech and you might have problems. Nov 21, 2019 · ok so previously. Just copy the JSON of the mech you want, rename it, then change loadout. While the starting year doesn't affect which 'Mechs are selected, note that Just change the starting lance and you get those mechs if you don't go for a random selection on career. The AI now loves running/jumping behind you to shoot your back. Also allows you to randomly select your starting pilots and choosing your background changes your starting gear (See ItemCollections to customize). 8 i wanted to change things so i started with a PHX, VLT and ASN. now with 1. . You can change it easily by editing a JSON file. I don't know if adding more than your player and 4 starter mechs breaks anything or not. May 23, 2018 · 1; Glitchs' mech. 3; Dekker's mech. Locked settings: Random, not IM, 3 spam/Mech, unequipped. You can even add a sixth battlemech to the starting lance if you wish. Apr 12, 2020 · This is just a simple list of all the mech file names for changing starting mech through file editing in case anyone is interested. 6 free update you will have an option to choose Random starting mechs in Career mode Mech inserted by mods I am not sure about 3025 and Roguetech both use the same ramdom start mod. Feb 6, 2023 · BetterRandomStart allows you to pick and choose your mechs with a whitelist and weight class or leave it up to RNGesus by setting weight restrictions. It's just changing the numbers in pretty clearly labeled categories. 4; Spare sitting on the leopard. i have successfully replaced them with mechs from vanilla AND from mods. To change starting mechs you need to go to Steam folder: Apr 29, 2018 · The mechdef files are in the \mech folder. Let us know how it goes once HM drops. Change following settings: Feb 2, 2019 · If you try that change by starting a new campaign, you'll get Eck's stats with Glitch's portrait which I'm now thinking might be the best we can do. Put the rest in armor. Just be extra careful out there until you refit all your starting mechs! Change line 22 to pick what lists it will randomize starting mechs from. vehicles or light mechs with high evasion - melee (ignores up to 4 evasion) 30 punch + follow up 40dmg shot from small lasers. So after several failed attempts, I found a way to change the starting mechwarriors. Changing Starting Mechs . That is edited under the Roguetech Normal folder. This is a risky choice because the default mechs are so squishy, but most of the . JSON. Sep 8, 2018 · Hey guys, I've seen some mods that change the mechs that you start with, like there's a mod that randomizes it or a mod that gives you 4 king crabs. For a shotgun style experience, try a Commando or Jenner, light mechs with Short Ranged Missile launchers. did what i always did but all i get is infinite loading loop after setting difficulty and hitting start. Basically, I went to the milestones directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\BATTLETECH\BattleTech_Data\StreamingAssets\data\milestones I chose the milestone: milestone_106_title_threeYearsLater. Mech lance: Enforcer, Centurion, Panther, Firestarter, Urbie. You can find all the ID's in the folder SteamApps\common\BATTLETECH\BattleTech_Data\StreamingAssets\data\mech. Map and tech availability change with time. First, you need the ID of the Mechs you want as your starters. To change the loadout of this mech without effecting the normal BJ you can set it BJ-1-STARTER and change the loadout in mechdef_blackjack_BJ-1-STARTER. Make sure you get the filenames exactly correct or the game will get stuck in a loading loop. You'd think you could just make a similar change to the "PortraitPreset_glitch" bit and you'd be done but Eck doesn't have a portrait preset, nor do any of the other backer pilots. Contract Enemy Guide. Feb 22, 2021 · Don't put any mechs into storage, and instead refit one mech at a time while you complete early missions with the other default starting mechs. Turrets often have more armor. "mechdef_quickdraw_QKD-5A" or "mechdef_urbanmech_UM-R60" Changing starting mechs is a fairly simple process of editing a few json files A search of the modding subforum on HBS should find the instructions Also with the 1. Understanding Hit Percentages and Accuracy. These 'Mechs are randomly selected from the tables below, which follow the same order they appear in the 'Mech Bay. json I found this block: You can choose your starting date (I think after the 1st day or so). Every entry will randomize you one mech from the list. I'm trying to make it a little harder without being unrewarding. It's basically a set of files for each start with worst, best, 20ton, and another name, and it picks one from each list in the named files. Starting world: Panzyr.
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