80m vertical antenna. 5MHz Band ham Radio MP1 Counterpoise Ground Plane.

80m vertical antenna Designed with About GPA-80 (400W Version) 80-6M HF Vertical Aluminium Antenna This is a great low cost way of getting on HF. 500 MHz, therefore the vertical is directly feed through the K2 relay. I needed to make a coil for the middle. This antenna is a full-size quarter wave on 40 meters and it is 1/8 wave on 80 meters. With a 7. Andy, The 80m vertical was an interesting project. The DX Engineering MBVE-2 is a fast taper 33 feet high multi-band vertical antenna system. 40m performance is good but, it shows a little less output. . The SWR was HF This a low-profile 10–80-meter OCF Vertical Dipole Base HF Antenna with an easy to deploy/retract tapered telescopic stainless-steel element, which is rugged yet should be retracted when not in use or winds in excess of 50 MPH are expected. Base HF antenna for 10-80 meters that is an off-center fed dipole type vertical and is pre-tuned for 9 bands that deploys in minutes. By tapping the coils with the fly leads, and moving the hoseclips up and down , to stretch, or compress the coils , I eventually got resonance on 80m and 40m. I multiplied most of the dimensions by a factor of 2 – bar the vertical radiator. The Nov 23, 2017 · THE 3 ELEMENT 80M ANTENNA. After different attempts with vertical 1/4 Lambda mono band antennas the desire for a vertical multiple antenna was responsible for 40 and 80m with me. Jan 21, 2025 · 80M Vertical antenna with capacitance hat Simple wire antenna cheap to make, using readily available materials, Low angle radiation, with rejection of high angle signals Wide bandwidth, with resonance at the 80M DX window (3. Googling around, I found a commercial design for $75 and a homebrew design that I could make for a lot less. diameter of at least 70 feet from the antenna for the guying and radial systems that will extend away from the antenna. Plug-and-play 80 through to 6 m with "perfect SWR" when used with an external ATU. Results of adding this hat: the resonance frequency went down from 3574 to 3176 kHz - a whopping 400 kHz! SWR was reduced slightly: from 1. (Not for use with internal radio tuner) A lightweight, high performance, extremely portable vertical antenna rated at 1500 watts key-down with fully manual operation (no electrical power or controller required). LAYOUT Constructed from wires, suspended from and in tall Oak trees, this antenna makes every effort at breaking all the published rules as far as the ideal construction of vertical antenna's is concerned. vertical. 80m performance only shows 65% efficiency but, it does tune the entire band with my LDG AT-100Pro ATU. 800 MHz); and Maximum height is 40 feet A wideband 80 meter dipole Sep 5, 2014 · End-fed, half-wave (EFHW) antenna. The Stainless steel and hub and galvanized steel legs make the EZ-Tripod vertiually weather proof. $40. 00; Description: 80 meter vertical antenna, adjustable from 60 to 66 feet. End loading, low-loss fiberglass form, high strength 6061 - T6 Aluminum tubing, handles 1500 Watts PEP, requires guying and radials counterpoises or ground screen. DX Engineering 80 Meter Full Size Quarter Wave Vertical Antennas have a bandwidth that is outstanding—up to 528 kHz under 2:1, depending on your radial field. 5 - 57 MHz TX, 2. This coil is made of 29 turns of 6 mm copper tube winded on a 125 mm Geberit PE-HD tube. The total length of the 17′ 9″ vertical element and the 25′ 3″ horizontally sloped element equals the magic number of 43 feet that so many excellent systems use for multi-band HF antenna operation from 10-80 meters. The idea is to connect a short fly lead to connect the hidden counterpoise when the antenna is deployed and then disconnect when it’s all packed away. Any any chart or table showing a specific vertical angle vs. The vertical element has no traps, or coils. Firstly, let me explain that the 80m vertical was a carbon copy of a 40m vertical I made a few months before. Review Summary For : ZeroFive Antennas 80M full size vertical; Reviews: 7 MSRP: 1000. It’s patented folded design allows for a 40% reduction in size with only a 0. I don't think you will be disappointed. Lightning protection recommended. However a Groundplane presupposes a good radial net, otherwise it does not work well. 5MHz Band ham Radio MP1 Counterpoise Ground Plane. The band coverage depends on the wire length used and the capabilities of your tuner. The vertical antenna operates from 80 meters through 10 meters using a good quality outboard customer supplied tuner. Review Summary For : Zero Five 33 ft 10m - 80m vertical; Reviews: 3 MSRP: $350; Description: Multi band free standing vertical with fold over mount / 5kw Unin Sep 25, 2021 · My 80 m short vertical antennas with base-loading are described on this page. 4. I would recommend this antenna to anyone without good spare for other types of antennas. Having got the antenna raised to the vertical position, I guyed it with three lengths of nylon twine. 6M wire, you can cover 40M and up without problems. Page update of 7 August 2019 Over several decades, Barry Booth (W9UCW) and a group of fellow hams, have done an incredible amount of well-documented and systematic, repeated tests to assess the performance of various configurations and installations of short , loaded Super Antenna MR8075 SuperWire Radial Set 80m-75meter for HF Vertical Antennas 3. 42 ft. The current Antenna system in use here on 80M is a 3 Element, in line, phased vertical array. Full sie quarter wave radiator for 40 Meters -- thats 33 feet of ruthless radiating power. A couple of years ago, I put up the 80 meter skyloop antenna (better known as a sky wire antenna) in the yard. With a vertical antenna system, the radials are the second half of the antenna. 800 MHz); and Maximum height is 40 feet (limitation due to treeheight). Design: Since the use of a full ¼-wave vertical was out of theRead More Dec 9, 2018 · The antenna can cover 80M through 6M (the “806” part of its name, I suppose). The hat atop the vertical antenna. 790-3. The antenna is a full 1/4 wave for 3. 43-ft. Dec 11, 2024 · For antenna planning, this means that, especially on 80m, antennas may need to be able to cover a range of vertical angles to maintain effective communications over a specific path. 37. 8 out of 5 stars. 00 and 2200. path length, especially if no frequency and/or ionospheric conditions are specified, is likely to be Aug 7, 2020 · tlv80 is model of a top loaded vertical antenna is doing a good job for dx on 80 m band a version for 80m 30m is provided . It does very well on 30m and higher bands. 42 to 1. Moonraker GPA-80 HF Vertical 80-6M Antenna is a great low-cost way of getting on HF. I next connected my trusty MFJ SWR analyser, and the battle commenced. Listed under the Antennas/80M category that is about Homemade projects for 80 meter Antennas. GEAR UP WITH DXE! Filter my search results to see DX Engineering brand parts. The antenna is guyed at the 30' foot level and the top. The schematic of the homebrew matching unit is shown below. Your internal tuner can get the SWR down to 1:1 on any DX frequency for maximum power transfer and full performance! HF Vertical Antenna Band: 80 meters. These are daily, consistent, and repeatable results. 01 A high-performance 80/40 Meter vertical. Radial System The use of a radial system is a key requirement for a high performance quarter wave vertical antenna system. On 160 meters As the antenna is too short, a low loss coil is inserted in series with the antenna need to be added. It is approximately 32 feet tall. A friend gave me a Butternut HF-2V 40 and 80 meter vertical antenna to play around with. The antenna is typically installed close to the ground (60 cm -1 m, 2-3 ft). Discussions about loading of dipole antennas equally apply to vertical monopole antennas. Height, SO-239, 250 W, Each. Quarter Wave -vs- 5/8ths Wave Vertical; Quick SWR Calculator for Vertical and Dipole Ham Radio Antennas; TOKYO HY-POWER HL-700B 600 Watt Amplifier purchase; Adding 80m to DX Commander All Band Vertical (9-bands 80m through 6m) DX Commander Contest Antenna achieves top placed UK IOTA Station; Software Modelling your Vertical antenna ground Mar 22, 2023 · 30 watts on JS8Call from an Icom IC-705, PA500 amp, and the Chameleon Skyloop Antenna. 3dB reduction in performance compared to a full length vertical. The latter is a 1/4 λ vertical with a single horizontal radial that is 25% shorter than the vertical radiator. My EFHW 20m antenna is a decent performer, so I’m thinking that an 80m version could be an option. The EZ-Tripod is an easy to assemble tripod antenna base that can be used with the EZ-Stinger or most other whip antennas. or a shortened "Up & Outer" antenna. See the MFJ-1793 for the Plan for 80m vertical made from Buddipole components I installed a counterpoise wire a few feet shy of 66 feet length hidden on a timber fence that runs down the side of the property. Antenna, Base Vertical, Multi-Band, 3. Plug and play 80 through to 6m with perfect SWR when used with an external ATU. 16. There are no traps, coils or linear loading elements to rob power. Design Criteria: Simple wire antenna; Cheap to make, using readily available materials; Low angle radiation, with rejection of high angle signals; Wide bandwidth, with resonance at the 80M DX window (3. Easy installation, wide band performance. Jun 10, 2012 · HyGain AV-680: Space-saving, DX-capable shortwave vertical antenna without radials. 0 - 90 MHz RX, Aluminum, 23. mbmnaf jfwqfkt eiplu rhejakk ukfybwy hsitw tucgsed yjkmtym zpbexq nrzfg